Educational Services
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How to add a listing

Chose to add as a service provider or service seeker

Chose which plan you

Fill out the listing form

After submitting you will see your listing page and can return to edit the listing or choose to continue.

When choosing to continue, you are brought to a checkout page and can choose to pay now or pay later.

If you choose to pay later, the listing remains pending and the you can choose to go ahead with payment when you are ready from your user dashboard.

Once payment is made, the plan becomes active automatically, however, the listing will still need to be approved before appearing on the website listing pages. This should take place within 24 hours of payment. Payment would be refunded if the listing is not approved.

Description Field

You can use various pre-set text formats, bullet or numbered lists, text alignment, and add links. The field accepts HTML if you switch to the text view tab - top right corner.

Contact Owner Form

A form on your listing that users can fill out to send you a message. This message will be emailed to you, the listing author/owner. There is also the option to hide this form if it is not needed.

Contact Information Fields

Various types of contact information fields are available. Leave blank if not needed. Also this can be different info than your contact info as the listing owner.

Business Hour Fields

Business hours can be hidden, set to 'open 24 hours 7 days', or set to specific days and times. Your timezone can be set here as well.

Image & Video Fields

Depending on your listing plan, there may be 2 image fields.

The first one is where you load images that will be used at the vary top of your posting.

The second one is additional images you can add as a gallery.

You can add one video per listing. The video field is for a link to a YouTube or Vimeo video. It is not a field that can upload a video.

Job Management Fields

On the 'Seeking Educational Services' directory there are additional fields available.

- Job Type
- Salary Range
- How many positions are open
- Deadline for application

You also can create a simple application form that users can fill out on the site and the info will be emailed to you, the listing owner.

Pricing Field

Leave blank if you do not want to list a price. You also have the choice to use a price range represented by a number of $ signs.

SEO Tagline, Excerpt, Category, & Tag Fields

Tagline and Excerpt provide helpful info that will show in search engine results.

Categories are preset and you can choose more than one. If there is a category you would like to add, please send a message to us.

Multiple tags can be added and you can add a new tag from the listing form.

Map Field

You can add multiple locations in the Location field. You also have the option to hide the map from your listing.

FAQ Fields

Add FAQ's in a toggle format that opens to the answers as used here. 

Booking Fields

The booking section can be hidden if not needed.

The bookings can be set up various ways. You can set it up by time slots - times you are available or you can set it up with a time picker which lets the user select their preferred time.

Monetization Settings
- can set a separate reservation fee
- can set separate weekend pricing
- can set a number of available tickets and set how many can be reserved at a time.

In your Dashboard page, there is a 'Wallet' menu item. From here, you can see any orders/payments that have been made. There is a 10% commission for all orders. At the time of your choosing, you can start a payout.

The Dashboard also has sections for managing bookings and your calendar.

'Live' Chat

Users can submit a chat question or message. This will be emailed to you, the listing owner. When you log into your dashboard, there is a Chat menu item to see and respond to chat messages


Member since 9 months ago

  • 0 0 Reviews
  • 0 Listings

Contact Info

  • marquis.eflin@yahoo.com


Even if you make your mind up to promote your house quickly, it is vital that you know that you will find a variety of different factors that you should have in mind. You should make an effort to promote your own home during the peak selling season. How do I market my house in Missouri for hard cash? Timing is important because during some times of the year, men and women are much more apt to market the homes of theirs for cash. One of the elements that you should think about marketing the house of yours for cash in Missouri would be that of timing.

The key reason why you need to contemplate promoting your house during the peak selling season is mainly because people have a very minimal amount of homes to pick out from during that time. If you are planning to market a house and are worried about looking for a buyer who pays in money, you should today recognize the significance of realizing the way to look for cash buyers. Real estate wholesalers are well connected to the cash buyer niche which enables it to simplify your home sale easily and quickly.

Its true that money offers are usually somewhat smaller than what you may achieve along the open market. You might wonder whether the speed and convenience come at a cost. Cash buyers consider the cost of the welfare and possible repairs of a rapid sale when making their offers. Nevertheless, the lowering of price tag is generally offset by the financial savings in the costs, https://www.reddit.com/user/SellMyHouseFastMO/ effort, and time associated with holding and maintaining the property while it rests in the marketplace.

Can I apply for a cash buyer loan when my monthly savings is more than 20,000? This means that you can apply for a mortgage and get approved, even if you have just a couple of thousand dollars in your money reserve. This's one of the most prevalent misconceptions among people that don't know what they're looking for in a cash purchaser, or what they want to achieve. You can't get a mortgage with merely 20,000 dollars in your savings account, however you can still apply for one.

Cash buyers are not allowed to over 20,000 in their savings. We can be able to help you determine the best loan choice that suits your financial needs. Its important to deal with the method with due diligence. While the majority of dollars buyers are reputable and straightforward, there are invariably exceptions. Transparency and a very clear understanding of the process is able to help make sure a sleek transaction. Research potential customers thoroughly, check evaluations, and if likely, seek suggestions from others who may have effectively offered the homes of theirs for cash.

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